My Picks Carousel

January 11, 2010

Stefanie Pintoff's top debut

Stefanie Pintoff's debut novel is a Top 20 book of '09!

S. Krishna said she "wasn’t expecting how amazing the mystery would be, nor how vivid the historical details would be!"

She goes on to give a rave review, awarding the book a "4.5 out of 5

In the Shadow of Gotham is Stefanie Pintoff’s brilliant debut novel, though it’s hard to believe she isn’t a seasoned mystery novel writer from the quality of this book. Detective Ziele is an intricate, wonderfully developed character...and I was sad to say goodbye to him when the novel ended.

The mystery in In the Shadow of Gotham is complicated in the best way. Pintoff doesn’t make the answers easy – it’s impossible to guess which twists and turns the author will take the reader on next. The historical details in this novel are impressive and really create a wonderful atmosphere for the reader.

I can’t say enough good things about In the Shadow of Gotham, so I will just say to go and read it!...I already can’t wait for her next novel!"

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