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January 7, 2010

Let's bring in the moms

This morning, Dr. Jennifer Ashton shared with mothers of the teen girls she chatted with yesterday.

Hear the moms' reactions and thoughts in this video:

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THE BODY SCOOP FOR GIRLS also impressed This Full House, the first stop on Dr. Ashton's TLC Book Tour.

"What makes this different from other teen health books I've read (like, American Girl) is that the author 'talks with' and not 'to' her readers in an attempt to help us reach out beyond our comfort zones in better understanding the female body.

The author references 'real girls' dealing with 'real life' situations, like her patient Jodi, who had heard it from health class (even her mother) but, still wasn't totally clear on why we get periods.

The Body Scoop for Girls is filled with easy-to-read bullet(ed) lists of informative facts and misconceptions (I failed most of the true or false sections) and multi-colored food for thought boxes, like 'Aren't You Glad I'm Not Your Mother' making it a quick and really easy read.

Now, that's something a teenager can relate to, right? Me, too!"

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