My Picks Carousel

June 10, 2009


Victor Gischler's successful writing for Marvel's PUNISHER has led the Punisher to some unfamiliar territory with this week's issue that begins a four-issue storyline in Gischler's home-state of Louisiana. The storyline titled "Welcome to the Bayou," features some unexpected criminal encounters that differ rather greatly from the "usual haunts in the mob-infested streets of New York City." Pick up this week's issue "Punisher: Frank Castle Max #71"!

Look for more Gischler goodies, THE DEPUTY and VAMPIRE A GO-GO, in August and September, respectively.

Duane Swierczynski is making his own mark in the Marvel world as he authors the limited series "Immortal Weapons." Marvel News writes that, "Swierczynski & Simons harness all their chi to unlock all the secrets about this kung-fu packed new series, including the challenges the Iron Fist and his friends face on the road ahead!"

Check out the article and download an exclusive podcast where Marvel interviews Swiercyznski and editor Warren Simons about the upcoming series.

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