My Picks Carousel

March 18, 2010

Jedidiah Ayres' feminine side

A couple weeks ago on B&N's mystery blog, Ransom Notes, Ayres got into the Oscar mood by thinking up some powerhouse female characters worthy of the red carpet:

"Theresa Schwegel wrote a fierce debut novel, Officer Down about a rookie female cop in Chicago and the royal mess her already less than tidy life becomes when her partner is killed in a possible friendly fire episode. As big a fan I am of [then Oscar nominee, now Oscar winner] Kathryn Bigelow, I'd love to see her tackle this one. Though she visited similar (just barely really) territory in Blue Steel, I guarantee this one'd be better. A lot better.

And for the really adventurous, I propose the dark, sexy riff on the legacy of James M. Cain, Miami Purity by Vicki Hendricks. This one calls for a really gutsy actress, but the pay off could be huge."

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